Elliott Serrano and Keith Conrad discuss the renewals and cancellations in TV land. A Reddit discussion on Captain America’s back pay for the...
(Audio version) In think week’s thrilling edition, Dave and Keith discuss Hitler’s triumphant return to TV sitcoms (Really, this is a...
Earlier this week Keith was talking with a friend about movies that you like that are horrible, by all objective standards. Keith’s is probably...
AMC announced the premiere date for season 6 of The Walking Dead at Comic-Con in San Diego on Friday, adding that Talking Dead, hosted by Chris...
Keith Conrad is in Huntsville, Alabama helping his brother and family move into their brand new house. The most unexpected problem has been the need...
After a star-studded send off that featured everyone from former Presidents to (of course) Bill Murray, David Letterman thanked his crew, band...
The Tuesday TV trailer tsunami continues. ABC has released the first official trailer for their upcoming Muppets television series.
Keith Conrad notices that there seems to be an abundance of crazy people on public transportation in Chicago during the winter. He also got in an...