This week we bring you the conclusion of our four part serialized adaptation of The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, by L Frank Baum, best known as the author of The Wonderful World of Oz. Tonight’s installment, Part 4: Santa Claus continues his story of how he came to be who he is even as his last night on earth slips away. Under advice from the Queen of the Fairies, he had determined that all children deserve happiness, and now he had to figure out how to make toys for them all and how to get the toys to them.
Bilal Dardai as Claus
Anthony Kayer as Jack Frost
Heather Currie as Necile the Nymph
Patrick Blashill as Ak, the Great Woodsman of the world
Jenifer Tyler as Queen Zurline
Manny Tamayo as the Gnome King
Katie McLean Hainsworth as Flossie the deer
Amanda Link as Glossie the deer
James E Grote as Will Knook and King of the Sleep Fays
Peter Greenberg as Prince of the Knooks
Dorothy Milne as The Queen of the Fairies
Andrés Enriquez as Prince of Ryls and King of the Wind Demons
Sandy Snyder as the Queen of the Water Sprites
Music by John Benedeck
This episode is produced by Patreon supporter Heather Hagan. Micah Adams is our Executive Producer. Join our Patreon supporters.
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