This December we bring you our serialized adaptation of The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, by L. Frank Baum, best known as the author of The Wonderful World of Oz. We rejoin the story with Claus recounting the journey he took in the mortal world with Ak when he was 18 years old. Knowing how lucky he was to have lived a childhood free from worry, Claus determined to help the children of the world. He found himself snowed in for the winter with no way out of the Laughing Valley.
Bilal Dardai as Claus
Patrick Blashill as Ak, The Great Woodsman of the World
Manny Tomayo as The Gnome King
Heather Currie as The Nymph Necile
Anthony Kayer as Jack Frost and the Stranger
Jenifer Tyler as Ryl 1
Amanda Link as Ryl 2 and village child
Sandy Snyder as Ryl 3 and Queen of the Water Sprites
James E Grote as Ryl 4 and King of the Sleep Fays
Allison Cain as Shiegra the Lioness
Katie McLean Hainsworth as Mayrie and Bessie Blithesome
Dorothy Milne as Queen of the Fairies.
Music by John Benedeck
Adapted and Directed by Christopher Hainsworth
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