Analysis by real estate marketplace Zillow finds in most states, home sellers don’t have to disclose if their house is believed to be haunted. Only nine states have laws on disclosing a death on the property within a certain time period. In California, sellers must disclose a death within three years, one year in Alaska, and in South Dakota, sellers must disclose it outright. If you found out the house you were looking at was haunted, would you be more or less likely to buy it? How would you present the house if you were a realtor?
While you’re thinking about buying a new house, a foundation will pay you $10,000 to move to Tulsa, Oklahoma. The George Kaiser Family Foundation, is offering 250 people the opportunity to make $10,000, if they’re willing to spend one night in a haunted house… I mean, move to Tulsa.
Police in Nebraska are searching for a man who allegedly tried Monday to open an account with a fake $1 million bill. He claimed the bill was real despite bank employees telling him the opposite. He left with the bogus bill — but without a new account. The bank reported the encounter to the police.
A study says a vast majority of American workers have come to the workplace with cold and flu symptoms—and millennials are the most likely to not take a sick day. The study surveyed 2,800 office employees aged 18 or older across 28 U.S. cities. Nine out of 10 reported they came in to their jobs while ill at least once. Thirty-nine percent of employees aged 25 to 40 reported coming to work sick every time they felt symptoms. The group least likely to report always showing up sick was Generation X, at 26 percent.