A part-time umpire filed a lawsuit Friday alleging that a South Carolina mayor had him fired over an argument they had in August about a call at a recreational kickball match. The mayor and his son were playing for a team called “Recreational Hazard” and were kicking in the bottom of the eighth inning when the call happened. According to the lawsuit, Lockilear’s son was running to home plate when the opposing team, the “Toe Jammers,” tagged him in the back of the leg with the ball. The kid was tagged out, the father erupted and even went so far as to proclaim “I own this town.” The umpire is suing Lockilear for slander, conspiracy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and tortious interference with a contract. Listen, I’m sure anybody who has any position of authority has a moment where they ponder playing the “Do you know who I am?” card, even if they never actually do it. But can you imagine being an elected official who decides to throw your weight around in a kickball game?
Authorities in Florida said a surfer who jumped off his board received minor cuts when he landed directly on top of a shark. The surfer was treated at the scene for minor cuts and was able to drive himself home after the incident. The Fonz may have jumped the shark, but this guy jumped on-to the shark.
A restaurant in Singapore is taking heat because they had a claw machine for customers to pick their lobster for dinner. The machine had a plastic claw inside it, and a black signboard on top of it that read “Catch lobster, and enjoy it! (Cook with no extra charge)”
The Romeo and Juliet of our time: A teenager has broken into a German prison in an attempt to win back his ex-girlfriend. 18-year-old scaled a 13-foot wall last week to get to his ex’s window. Prison officials intercepted the man. He refused to climb back down, and the fire service was called to bring him down with a ladder. No word on if it actually worked, but if that doesn’t prove your love, what possibly could?
BONUS – The Most Florida Story in History: Deputies arrest man, woman after finding kilo of meth in Tide box.