Just because this video is a year old doesn’t make it any less entertaining. Last year, The United States Air Force Band surprised guests at...
Dave has had a few moments in his life lately that have really driven home the fact that he is not a millennial. So Keith spent some time explaining...
In order to ask the Foo Fighters leader singer Dave Grohl to come and perform in Cesena, Italy, Fabio Zaffagnini organized one of the most epic...
Last month, a short video featuring a tortilla on record player apparently playing Mexican music went viral. That got YouTube user Rapture...
The NBA had James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett of Metallica come and play the Star Spangled Banner on electric guitar before the game 5 of the Finals in...
The Legend of Zelda is one of the most famous video game franchises in the world. It doesn’t matter the culture or country, it seems everyone can...
Is there anything worse than being stuck at the airport waiting indefinitely for your flight when there is a weather delay? Some air travelers were...
Whenever you decide to go for a drive on the open road, you should always check your tire pressure with a tire gauge. Yeah, right. Who is going to...
An emotional Adam Sandler stopped by the “Late Show” to pay tribute to the “King of Comedy” on Tuesday night, offering a funny and heartfelt song to...
The Avengers are just so awesome. But some of the superheros overshadow their teammates. Sure, Hawkeye is cool and all, but Ironman? Thor? The Hulk...