The Illusion of Unity – Act Three

In this episode we have the third and final act of our first miniseries, The Illusion of Unity. In act two, after learning there was a fleet of alien ships on their way to Earth and they would reach us in 75 years, the human race banded together to create our own ships to intercept them. Now, in the conclusion, it’s time to meet our interstellar neighbors.

If you have a story you’d like to contribute to the series, you can visit

Curator: Keith Conrad
Narrator: Darren Marlar
Man on the Street: Ray Stevens
Dr. Michael Green: Andrew Donaldson
President of the United States: Peter Thiele
Dr. Richard Holman: Roger Badesch

Other shows hosted by Darren Marlar:
Weird Darkness:
Paranormality Magazine:
Micro Terrors: Scary Stories for Kids:
Retro Radio – Old Time Radio In The Dark:
Church of the Undead:

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